Monday, July 26, 2010

Fun in Grandma's Tub

Claire and Hendrix had fun in the tub! Claire was really into the bubbles. She would blow them and sometimes eat them.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I have a diva on my hands

So a couple of weeks ago my sister did a post about us girls and who was the biggest diva. Marcie won that contest hands down, but I think we may have someone else in the running. Her name would be Claire! She thought she was so funny putting on my sunglasses so here are a few pictures! She is one in charge baby. She will scream at you if you are bugging her or sometimes just for the fun of screaming. She will tell you no,no,no,no,no if she doesn't like what you are doing. She is growing so much. Time just goes by so fast. Summer is almost over and I don't know what we are going to do once the boys go back to school. She is going to be so bored. I will have to find some play groups or start one of my own or something. It has been so much fun to watch her and Wes grow and all of the other little ones too.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer fun!

Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks. Claire jumped on my mom's tramp for the first time and LOVED it. She is talking more and more on her terms of course. She is the princess and has knocked Rylee off of the thrown! She still loves to be outside playing in the hose or in the dirt or with the bugs. She helped my Dad in the garden last night and helped him weed. She is a funny little miss. She loves her Popsicles and icecream. She loves to eat and almost always has some sort of snack in her hand. We have had so much fun this summer. We are going to have some serious withdrawals when the boys go back to school.

Claire loves her cheetos!

Jumping on the tramp

Claire and Hendrix

Playing with bubbles

Marcie's wedding shower

Claire April 25

First Trip To Salt Lake